Memoirs of a Cultural

By Big Smile Jumat, 08 April 2011 0 comments
Synonyms And Synonyms
Synonyms And Synonyms
Title: 65 = 67, wild Random Notes, remarks It Is

Author: Ayatrohaedi

Publisher: Pustaka Jaya

Publication: I, January 2011

Pages: 631

Price: Rp. 90.000

Ayatrohaedi is a prominent figure in the world of Indonesian culture. He is a man who many were directly involved in the development of cultural sciences, literature, and archeology in Indonesia.

This book tells the journey "career" Ayatrohaedi since he became a student at the Faculty of Letters University of Indonesia, to become professor at the Faculty of Humanities at his alma mater, the University of Indonesia.

Life is simple but full of dynamics is an appropriate phrase to describe the period of the life of verse, thus Ayatrohaedi close calls, as long as a graduate student at the Faculty of Letters University of Indonesia.

It is said simply because the verse is a figure who go through life as a student with what it is. He did not try to have a lifestyle more than what can be done.

Verse is also called the full dynamics as long as the world underwent many students he is active in various activities, ranging from academic to activities "took to the streets" to oppose the regime.

One of the things told by Verse is how he saw Arif Rahman Hakim, University of Indonesia student who was shot when Tritura rallies. Paragraph saw Arif who was behind him covered in blood by gunfire.

Therefore he was disappointed with the words of a great party cadres who said that Arif Rahman Hakim is a fictional character who deliberately exhaled just to attract attention.

Verse also tells the events of his intellectual struggle. Verse One is the involvement of the Institute of Literature Jeung Basa Sunda (LBSS) or the Institute of Language and Literature Sundanese. In these institutions the opportunity to write papers about the verse manuscripts Sundanese-speaking parents.

According to verse, many manuscripts and inscription Sunda untouched. In fact, the manuscript containing the story, or teaching valuable history that should be widely known.

Several people close to him, most artists and academics, had also told in this book. One of them is Ramadhan KH. Verse told, many artists who came to Ramadan, who was then the chief editor of the New Strategy, to deliver her composition.

But the authors were asked honorarium in advance. Inevitably, Ramadan should pay for it with his own money before the article was published. This shows two things. First, the strong relationship between the artist at that time. Second, most artists at that time was the person whose life is quite difficult.

Through this book the reader can also be a number of experiences related to Clause kepengarangannya world. From here to the reader not only to know the creative process, but also the values ​​that mengarusi his work.

Ayatrohaedi was dead. But from what the reader can learn that expertise does not have to make someone feel to know everything, it remains to be simple and understated, because that is where wealth comes .***

By. Synonyms And Synonyms Sharing is sexy

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