Beware of Chemical Substances in Food

By Big Smile Selasa, 22 Maret 2011 0 comments
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Snacks, this habit is hard to be abandoned, especially for children. In fact, recently many snacks or snacks that are sold without going through the process of proper food safety testing.

Become a favorite snack food of children. Snack obtained is generally a child snacks purchased, whether purchased at school or on the playground.

Striking colors with attractive packaging and good taste is the reason why children like to snack bought. However, did you ever know how healthy and safe snacks purchased by children?

According to findings disclosed Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (POM) together with the Ministry of National Education and the Institute Pertanian Bogor, from the results of monitoring of the canteen in over 178,240 schools, only 0.9% of healthy canteen.

Meanwhile, the results of sampling BPOM in January to April 2010 in 128 primary schools in Jakarta showed that about 21 percent contain hazardous materials. Food chemistry and nutrition experts from the Academy of Chemical Analyst Bogor, Ir Chandra Irawan MSI, said food safety is an important requirement that must be attached to the want of food consumed.

That's why, the parents demanded more thorough search for a healthier processed foods as camilan.Apalagi many processed food products sold in the market without going through the process of proper food safety testing.

"If one chose, bisabisa to the addition of harmful synthetic chemicals in foods will only harm our bodies," he said in a media gathering entitled "Yupi Support Food Movement Towards Healthy Snacks School" held by the candy manufacturer fX Yupi in Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (1 / 3). Chandra said that food security is a consumer rights.

Food including basic needs of the most important and very essential in human life.

Although the form of snack food have attractive packaging, delicious, high nutrition, if not safe for consumption, then there is no value at all. Food security, especially snacks, become very important for school children.

This is of particular concern, because according to the Ministry of Education, the hawker is 36 percent of energy consumed by children. In general, in Indonesia every food can be freely distributed and sold without having to first go through quality control and safety control.

This is what makes more than 70 percent of the food produced by manufacturers that are still traditional in most of the production process is still far from health and safety requirements so that cases of food poisoning increases.

It is time control, quality, and assurance of processed foods sold in traditional markets, especially the schools, a concern because it involves the health of children. Chandra gave the message that does not facilitate the child to be able to buy unhealthy snacks.

"Sometimes the need to 'cruel' to the child in the interest of the child itself," he said.

In choosing the right snacks, consider the content of the food to be consumed. Hazardous substances most commonly found are preservatives, dyes, or MSG in excessive amounts.

"Actually, the government does allow the use of food additives, including preservatives such as MSG (monosodium glutamate) and artificial sweeteners, but its use must be below specified limits," he said.

Candace says, hazardous chemicals most often found on street children is a dye metanil Rhodamin B and yellow, which is a chemical commonly used for textile and plastic industries. Various foods that are both colored dyes are generally more striking and has a slightly bitter taste.

Both these materials are often used to color the snacks, sweets, syrups, biscuits, crackers, sausages, ice Doger, cendol, and candied fruit.

"The coloring agents used in food that can only be degraded by enzymes of the body after a week consumed. Imagine if every day is consumed, over time can accumulate and lead to cancer, "said Chandra.

Food safety is a global issue that must be considered strategic and in snacks. Therefore, food products must be handled with care from upstream to downstream. Chandra said, the system is highly effective and efficient to ensure food safety until a food ready to eat.
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