By Big Smile Senin, 14 Maret 2011 0 comments
Synonyms And Synonyms
Synonyms And Synonyms
Think again. Are the meals you often feel tightness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, and often pass gas? Or, it happened several hours after eating? Do not Sepelekan symptoms like this. According to Prof. Dr. Mohammad Juffrie, SpAK, Ph.D., Head of subdivision Gastronepatologi Faculty of Medicine, University of Gajah Mada, a row of the above symptoms can be a sign that you're just eating foods that are difficult to digest.
Do not want to be tortured stomach upset again?
Dr. Ir. Nuri Andarwulan, M. Si, an expert on food and nutrition Food Science and Technology Department, Bogor Agricultural University, revealed the secret of 10 foods that are difficult to digest the body.

1 Fried
Fried bananas, bakwan, cireng, and 'crony-kroni'nya always managed to tempt us to snack. In fact, a piece of fried foods was certainly contains a lot of fat that are difficult to digest by the intestine. Especially if the oil used for frying is used cooking oil. Because I had used many times, used cooking oil has been oxidized.

The term oxidation is actually tantamount to the process of rust on exposed metal oxygen exposure. The oxidation process can be seen from the change of oil color blackish after frying. Foods that can threaten the health of oxidized cells in the gastrointestinal tract.
If there is ongoing can cause infections of the gastrointestinal tract. So, you will experience diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting.

2 Soft drinks
Drinks containing this acid can irritate the esophagus and stomach. If you drink on an empty stomach, soft drinks will stimulate the sensory nerves, causing inflammation. As a result, levels of acid in the stomach 'feels' increases, such as symptoms of inflammation of the stomach (gastritis). What actually happens, stomach filled with acid.

Better not give soft drinks to children and the elderly. This age group are prone to diarrhea, because their digestive organs have not or are not perfect in digesting food with high acidity or low pH. Dr. Zufri ulcer patients advised to stop completely from consuming soft drinks. Because, soft drinks can cause bloating and an acute attack of colic (abdominal pain remarkable.)

3 Cake brownies
In fact, legitimate you enjoy your favorite brownies. Because, a new brownie difficult to digest when consumed in excessive amounts. If you are not easily satisfied with a small piece of brownie, it is time to be careful. A piece of brownie, which generally measure 2 x 2 cm, have saved 75 to 80 calories. While the size of 2 x 3 cm, contains 100 calories. So, eating more than 2 pieces of brownies will make a full stomach, due to fat content and high sugar in the cake. Furthermore, the overwhelming stomach to digest so tormented because of 'bombarded' sudden heavy duty.

4 Chewing gum
Chewing gum has become your habit to get rid of sleep? Be careful, because if consumed in excessive amounts can interfere with the performance of the intestine in digesting the food you eat. Especially because the content of sugar and alcohol are commonly found in chewing gum. This also applies to chocolate candy and soft drinks.

Chemically, sugar and alcohol can not be digested by the body's metabolism as well. As a result, both will be immediately sent to the colon. That is, it's useless you eat other than just to please your mouth. If for expelled sleepiness, it was just going to disappear temporarily.

5 fat, tendon, & kikil cow
If possible, avoid eating the white part of beef. This section contains connective tissue, making it difficult to digest the body. Before you go down to the stool, this meat will last long in the stomach. After that, the meat of the steak dishes you will reach the duodenum without being digested.

This will make the stomach feel full and uncomfortable in the next 24 hours. Typically, the white meat is also commonly found in muscle meat balls. If forced to eat them, after that get yourself to eat enough high fiber fruit to reduce the risk of stomach upsets. Also, avoid eating meat also tetelan (rich in saturated fat) and kikil (cowhide). Both are rich in certain amino acid compounds that can not be digested body.

6 Spicy Food
No = do not eat spicy. It seems that during this term you use. In fact, the intestines and your stomach is sensitive to the compound capsaicin. It is a substance that contained a lot of paprika, pepper and jalapeno (chili typical Mexican). The compound capsaicin small size can not be broken down by the body thus causing irritation in the small intestine.

Irritation of the small intestine this would interfere with peristaltic motion, so that food pushed into the colon. Consequently, the resulting feeling of heartburn that can lead to diarrhea. To reduce risk, whenever possible eat food that is not too spicy. If the sense of missed hit spicy foods, eat a small serving of spicy food during the day, and barengi with rice or another side dish that is not spicy.

7-kubisan Cabbage
Cabbage and broccoli are foods rich in fiber and nutrients. Unfortunately, food fiber and compounds in cabbage difficult to digest, so the cabbage is also a tasty food for the microflora (bacteria in the intestines). These microflora produce sulfur-containing gas accumulation in our colon. Thus, abdominal tightness due to accumulation of gas in the intestines. If you do not want to feel begah after eating them, boil the cabbage for a while to reduce the compound trigger the gas.

8 Jackfruit, Soursop, and similar to jackfruit
All the fruit safe to eat? Eits, wait a minute! Eating jackfruit, soursop, and similar to jackfruit in a frightening number will bring a sense of bloating all day. Because, these fruits are difficult to digest. A bowl of ice jazzed contains jackfruit or a glass of soursop juice or a similar to jackfruit is still safe for our digestion. Also make sure the fruit is not mengkal when consumed. Ripe fruit will soften the fiber element that makes the stomach begah.

9 Nuts
Various types of beans are useful for treating heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, to lose weight. However, beans can also cause stress on the stomach. Because the fat content in peanuts reached 60%, especially if fried before being eaten. To avoid bloating and gas in the stomach, you can process them into red bean soup, or boiled peanuts. Do not forget to cook it in some time, so that your favorite nuts more easily digested by the stomach.

10 Ice cream
Si-rich cold sweet milk can cause stomach problems, such as breathlessness and bloating. Especially if eaten in large quantities. Because, basically, all that is contained in a bowl of ice cream is fat. Fat will stick in the stomach longer than other foods, before they can be digested. Moreover, if we are intolerant of lactose. Lack of the enzyme lactase which is needed to help break down this milk sugar will cause the body stricken with diarrhea and flatulence too often.
By. Synonyms And Synonyms
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