Prevent Constipation in the Digestive
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HEALTH digestion is important for humans, because the digestive system's performance will determine which nutrients are absorbed and unnecessary disposal of the body. Digestive system will also form short-chain essential amino acids (SCFA), which is useful in the process of immune (immunity).
Thus, having a healthy digestion will strengthen the body's immune system that protects the body from various diseases, destroy and eliminate foreign microorganisms (bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses, tumor) that enters the body.
However, awareness of digestive health in today's society is still felt low. This can be seen from eating people's daily lives that can lead to digestive system disorders.
Basic Health Research Report 2007 showed that the majority of Indonesia's population is still less consumption of fiber from vegetables and fruits, lack of exercise and eating foods that contain added preservatives. This situation, of course, cause disturbances in digestion with complaints that often arise include bloating and no bowel movement can be smooth or constipation.
Prof.Dr. Aziz Rani, SpPD-KGEH, Chairman of the Division of Gastroenterology Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of medicine-RSCM, in the event the Media Education today put forward, "Constipation, as one is actually a symptom of digestive disorders defecation / CHAPTER unsatisfactory marked with a frequency of less than 3 CHAPTER times a week or difficulties due to issue a stool hard stool, so someone needs to push. "
"Constipation can affect daily activities that can degrade the quality of life. In fact, constipation quite a role in triggering the occurrence of colon cancer if it has reached the stage obstipasi, "he continued.
Constipation many experienced people in the world, for some people, constipation is considered the norm, but for some people interfere with daily activities. The incidence of constipation increased. In the United States recorded 2-27 percent with 2.5 million doctor visits and nearly 100,000 treatments per year. In China about 15-20 percent.
Data from 2397 patients in RSCM Jakarta who underwent colonoscopy from 1998 to 2005, 9 percent of whom were patients with constipation. Research Dr. Dr.Saptawati Bardosono from the Nutrition School of Medicine, University of Indonesia on 271 female workers in Jakarta even find up to 47 percent of female workers are experiencing constipation. Looking at the data above, roughly it can be presumed that the number of people with constipation in Indonesia is quite large. Constipation is not a trivial health problem, because based on the data at the RSCM, of all patients with constipation 36.4 percent suffered from haemorrhoids / hemorrhoids and approximately 8 percent of whom suffer from malignant tumors / colon cancer.
On the same occasion, dr.Herry Djagat Purnomo, SpPD-KGEH - Chairman of the Working Group on Probiotics in Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology (WG Probiotics - PGI) explains, "Constipation can actually be divided into primary and secondary constipation. Called the primary, when the examination did not reveal any organic and biochemical abnormalities, while secondary constipation occurs if constipation caused organic disease / other conditions. "
"There are several ways to prevent and treat constipation, among others, with emphasis on fiber consumption, multiply the physical activity exercise and drink water at least 2 L / day on a regular basis. Another way found to prevent constipation is with probiotics, ie live bacteria added to foods that have beneficial effects by improving the health of the intestinal flora. In 2010, Society of Gastroenterology Indonesia (PGI) developed the National Consensus Management of Constipation in Indonesia to discuss the modalities of treatment, there are currently very strong evidence about the benefits of yogurt products containing probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis khususnya lactis DN-173 010 (Activia) in the treatment of constipation , "continued dr.Herry from the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
dr.Ari Fahrial Sham, SpPD-KGEH from the Department of Gastroenterology Dept.Penyakit In FKUI-RSCM argues, "Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when used in appropriate amounts, to provide either or health effects on another organism / host (WHO / FAO 2001 .) "
"The nature of probiotics is strain specific. Not all strains of the same species can affect / benefit the same, but it is important to note is, is basically a probiotic live bacteria added to foods that have beneficial effects by improving the health of the intestinal flora, "said dr.Ari further.
"The function of probiotics on various bodies such as helping the absorption of nutrients, production of vitamins, probiotics on the digestive system help in the fight against bad bacteria growth and involved in gut ecosystems" added dr.Ari.
Probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis animalis DN 173 010 (Activia) has proven useful in various studies in a series of healthy adult population aged 17-50 years (Porchart et al, 1990); population of healthy young children (Beradda et al., 1991); healthy adults aged 18-30 years (Porchart et al., 1992) and healthy female population 20-48 years (Duez et al., 2000) with the results of this study shows that probiotics can survive in the digestive tract and still be detected after consumption discontinued.
Human digestive or called enterotype consists of 3 types namely Bacteroides, Prevotella and ruminococcus, named in accordance with the majority of bacteria that live in the intestines.
This classification is found in various populations around the world and not depend on race, national origin, diet, age, gender, body mass index. Type enterotype can express the resulting production of vitamins and why someone is difficult to reduce excess weight because of the type of bacteria that are extremely easy to absorb energy from food. Also enterotype can be used for diagnostic purposes and even as a tool for the prognosis (forecast) for a variety of abnormalities that occur in humans such as colon cancer and diseases related to obesity such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular pathology (Arumugram et al, 2011).
The study, studying the effects of fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010 in preventing constipation in anak2 concluded that: Activia is safe for children; the fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010 can increase the frequency of bowel movements. There is a significant effect on the fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010 in reducing the gas in the stomach than in the control group within 3 weeks. (Study strass, 2011)
"Not only to treat constipation, but probiotics can also be consumed daily for good for intestinal health and absorption of food. Consuming probiotics on a regular basis, can be used as a first step for people to have a healthy life, "lid dr.Ari
Thus, having a healthy digestion will strengthen the body's immune system that protects the body from various diseases, destroy and eliminate foreign microorganisms (bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses, tumor) that enters the body.
However, awareness of digestive health in today's society is still felt low. This can be seen from eating people's daily lives that can lead to digestive system disorders.
Basic Health Research Report 2007 showed that the majority of Indonesia's population is still less consumption of fiber from vegetables and fruits, lack of exercise and eating foods that contain added preservatives. This situation, of course, cause disturbances in digestion with complaints that often arise include bloating and no bowel movement can be smooth or constipation.
Prof.Dr. Aziz Rani, SpPD-KGEH, Chairman of the Division of Gastroenterology Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of medicine-RSCM, in the event the Media Education today put forward, "Constipation, as one is actually a symptom of digestive disorders defecation / CHAPTER unsatisfactory marked with a frequency of less than 3 CHAPTER times a week or difficulties due to issue a stool hard stool, so someone needs to push. "
"Constipation can affect daily activities that can degrade the quality of life. In fact, constipation quite a role in triggering the occurrence of colon cancer if it has reached the stage obstipasi, "he continued.
Constipation many experienced people in the world, for some people, constipation is considered the norm, but for some people interfere with daily activities. The incidence of constipation increased. In the United States recorded 2-27 percent with 2.5 million doctor visits and nearly 100,000 treatments per year. In China about 15-20 percent.
Data from 2397 patients in RSCM Jakarta who underwent colonoscopy from 1998 to 2005, 9 percent of whom were patients with constipation. Research Dr. Dr.Saptawati Bardosono from the Nutrition School of Medicine, University of Indonesia on 271 female workers in Jakarta even find up to 47 percent of female workers are experiencing constipation. Looking at the data above, roughly it can be presumed that the number of people with constipation in Indonesia is quite large. Constipation is not a trivial health problem, because based on the data at the RSCM, of all patients with constipation 36.4 percent suffered from haemorrhoids / hemorrhoids and approximately 8 percent of whom suffer from malignant tumors / colon cancer.
On the same occasion, dr.Herry Djagat Purnomo, SpPD-KGEH - Chairman of the Working Group on Probiotics in Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology (WG Probiotics - PGI) explains, "Constipation can actually be divided into primary and secondary constipation. Called the primary, when the examination did not reveal any organic and biochemical abnormalities, while secondary constipation occurs if constipation caused organic disease / other conditions. "
"There are several ways to prevent and treat constipation, among others, with emphasis on fiber consumption, multiply the physical activity exercise and drink water at least 2 L / day on a regular basis. Another way found to prevent constipation is with probiotics, ie live bacteria added to foods that have beneficial effects by improving the health of the intestinal flora. In 2010, Society of Gastroenterology Indonesia (PGI) developed the National Consensus Management of Constipation in Indonesia to discuss the modalities of treatment, there are currently very strong evidence about the benefits of yogurt products containing probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis khususnya lactis DN-173 010 (Activia) in the treatment of constipation , "continued dr.Herry from the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
dr.Ari Fahrial Sham, SpPD-KGEH from the Department of Gastroenterology Dept.Penyakit In FKUI-RSCM argues, "Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when used in appropriate amounts, to provide either or health effects on another organism / host (WHO / FAO 2001 .) "
"The nature of probiotics is strain specific. Not all strains of the same species can affect / benefit the same, but it is important to note is, is basically a probiotic live bacteria added to foods that have beneficial effects by improving the health of the intestinal flora, "said dr.Ari further.
"The function of probiotics on various bodies such as helping the absorption of nutrients, production of vitamins, probiotics on the digestive system help in the fight against bad bacteria growth and involved in gut ecosystems" added dr.Ari.
Probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis animalis DN 173 010 (Activia) has proven useful in various studies in a series of healthy adult population aged 17-50 years (Porchart et al, 1990); population of healthy young children (Beradda et al., 1991); healthy adults aged 18-30 years (Porchart et al., 1992) and healthy female population 20-48 years (Duez et al., 2000) with the results of this study shows that probiotics can survive in the digestive tract and still be detected after consumption discontinued.
Human digestive or called enterotype consists of 3 types namely Bacteroides, Prevotella and ruminococcus, named in accordance with the majority of bacteria that live in the intestines.
This classification is found in various populations around the world and not depend on race, national origin, diet, age, gender, body mass index. Type enterotype can express the resulting production of vitamins and why someone is difficult to reduce excess weight because of the type of bacteria that are extremely easy to absorb energy from food. Also enterotype can be used for diagnostic purposes and even as a tool for the prognosis (forecast) for a variety of abnormalities that occur in humans such as colon cancer and diseases related to obesity such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular pathology (Arumugram et al, 2011).
The study, studying the effects of fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010 in preventing constipation in anak2 concluded that: Activia is safe for children; the fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010 can increase the frequency of bowel movements. There is a significant effect on the fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010 in reducing the gas in the stomach than in the control group within 3 weeks. (Study strass, 2011)
"Not only to treat constipation, but probiotics can also be consumed daily for good for intestinal health and absorption of food. Consuming probiotics on a regular basis, can be used as a first step for people to have a healthy life, "lid dr.Ari
By. Synonyms And Synonyms
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