Windows 8 Created to Compete with Cisco IOS

By Big Smile Rabu, 13 April 2011 0 comments
Synonyms And Synonyms
Synonyms And Synonyms
Windows 8 is not yet officially announced by Microsoft as a substitute for the success of Windows 7, but some analysts already predict the presence of these operating systems.

Most obvious, of course, that Windows 8 will be built to rival Apple's IOS, which is now so popular devices on the market. This prediction is seen, because
apparently the new OS will be a new iteration with cross-platform effort that is designed for different devices.

Launched by TG Daily, Tuesday (12/04/2011), analyst Paul Thurrot and Rafael River mentioned a number of new features that will come in Windows 8 will be a compatible version for smartphones and tablets.

its leakage, will be present also features a user interface for Windows Exporer and document reader that uses a model similar package applications with Windows Phone 7.

"We suspect, that Windows 8 will
integrated also with Windows Phone 8, which uses the password 'Appolo'," both hypotheses.

This is certainly in line with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer saying, which states that in the future Windows will be an operating system that is connected with all types of any device.

By. Synonyms And Synonyms Sharing is sexy

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